Chiropractic is a holistic, drug-free approach to alleviating pain, promoting wellness, and improving overall lifestyle. If you’ve been searching for a simple overview of chiropractic care, and whether or not its right for you, then you’ve come to the right place.
Not sure what to expect before and after your visit? We’ve got some pointers right here to put that mind at ease

More Than Just A Regular Chiropractic Clinic
Relief Chiropractic combines Chiropractic and Physiotherapy to provide easy and natural pain relief to our patients.​
We believe true relief is when the body is able function at it's best potential and is able to support our daily living with ease. Chiropractic and physiotherapy are both natural therapies that regulates physical, emotional and chemical stress. We strive to keep our community strong and healthy, and being pain free is only the beginning.
We’re committed to exceeding the expectations of our patients with warm and professional services and by putting your best health interest before anything else. Let us provide you with the personalized care you deserve and lets start achieving your health goals together.

Monday 9am to 6pm
Tuesday 9am to 6pm
Wednesday 9am to 6pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturday 9am to 6pm
Sunday 9am to 4pm

19, Jalan SS 15/8A 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Malaysia
+6 03 5879 7954
+6 017 982 8635